Dbox2:Image creation (Oldmake) veraltet
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Step by step
Follow these steps to create a Cramfs- or Squashfs-Image.
- Create a directory for your CVS:
mkdir ~/tuxbox-cvs
- Download the CVS:
cd ~/tuxbox-cvs set CVS_RSH=ssh && cvs -d anoncvs@cvs.tuxbox.org:/cvs/tuxbox -z3 co -P .
- Check if you got all the tools installed you will need:
less ~/tuxbox-cvs/cdk/doc/INSTALL.en
You will also need mkcramfs, mksquashfs and fakeroot. The first two can be downloaded at www.yadi.org
- To check that all the tools are installed run the toolchecker.sh script provided:
- Create the destination folder:
mkdir ~/dbox2
- Change into the tuxbox-cvs/cdk folder:
cd ~/tuxbox-cvs/cdk
- Start autogen:
- Start the configure script (set user to your username):
./configure --prefix=/home/user/dbox2 --with-cvsdir=/home/user/tuxbox-cvs --enable-maintainer-mode --disable-libcrypto --with-targetruleset=flash
Important: Check if there are really no errors showing up at this point, telling you that files/packages are missing (mklibs warnings can be ignored)
- Compile your image:
(To create a cramfs-image instead of a squashfs-image as shown in this example, simply replace "squashfs" with "cramfs" ) the following command will auto create all possible image versions as there are enigma and neutrino in 1x and 2x flavour:
make flash-squashfsimages
or if you want to create an enigma image only, use:
make flash-squashfsenigmaimages
or use this command to create the neutrino image of course and only the neutrino:
make flash-squashfsneutrinoimages
or want root to be squashfs? Use this:
make flash-squashfs
will prepare enigma and neutrino for image creation.
or neutrino root? use this:
make $HOME/dbox2/cdkflash/root-squashfs-neutrino.img
(for enigma likewise. just replace "neutrino" with "enigma")
or 8.5. To create a neutrino-squashfs-image with your own changes, these are your steps:
make $HOME/dbox2/cdkflash/.flash-roneutrinoroot (flash read only neutrino root) Now is the time to add your changes (did i hear "emu"?) to cdkflash/root make flash-squashfsroot The root-squashfs.img you just created can now be found at /home/user/dbox2/cdkflash Rename the image to root-squashfs-neutrino.img make flash-squashfsneutrinoimages
- After successful compilation completion, the flashable images can now be found at $HOME/dbox2/cdkflash (cramfsjffs2*.img and squashfsjffs2*.img)
Use your favourite flash tool to up them to your box or use the internal flashtool the dbox2 provides you with.
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