compiling lirc

Kreuzuebersetzer, Diskussion über Änderungen im Tuxbox-CDK und Tuxbox-CVS
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Registriert: Freitag 25. Februar 2005, 11:36

compiling lirc

Beitrag von jolopez »

sorry, but i dont understand german, and i can no search as a i want.

i want to compile lirc for the dbox in order to have the tools , i have build the gcc and more things with the cdk, but how can i build one packet? more or less the same that i do in linux?
cd lirc ./configure make, if i do this, this finds the configuration of my pc, is there any script that puts the enviromment variables in order to compile it as if i were in the dbox? more or less like a chroot, but with the things for ppc
Oberlamer, Administrator & Supernanny
Beiträge: 10532
Registriert: Samstag 13. Juli 2002, 10:49

Beitrag von DieMade »

Beiträge: 1475
Registriert: Dienstag 4. Februar 2003, 22:02

Beitrag von Barf »

Assuming that you can "make all" in the cdk directory, builing lirc is just

make lirc

in the cdk directory.