flash wanted (bootloader)!!! - Sagem 2xIntel

Wie blitze ich ein Bild - Permanent Outgoing Incomes
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Mittwoch 2. Februar 2005, 15:24

flash wanted (bootloader)!!! - Sagem 2xIntel

Beitrag von vanBulion »


can anybody send me bootloader by e-mail !!!
I’ve erase my flash :cry:
I must write eeprom by external programmer
a need bootloader or all image
Dbox2 - Sagem Sat 2xIntel with Bmon1,1

Procedure is very simply
login to linux (dbox) by console

cd /tmp
cat /dev/mtd/0 > bl.img (booloader)
cat /dev/mtd/5 > flash.img (image with booloader)
you cat compress files
gzip *.img

file bl.img - 128kB
file flash.img - 8MB !!!

and get files by ftp and cross cable (IP)

this is my last chance :gruebel:

Best Regards