Streaming bricht nach 5 min ab

Digital Recording
Beiträge: 47
Registriert: Freitag 17. Mai 2002, 13:03

Streaming bricht nach 5 min ab

Beitrag von Pfiffer »

ich hab da ein kleines problem wenn ich von der box streame,
bis vor 2 tagen ging alle super, und seit gestern bricht er jeden download bei ca. 5 min ab. ich füge mal das logfile ein.
wenn mir jemand helfen kann, schon mal vielen dank im vorraus.

aso, ich streame mi ngrab 0.7.75


Code: Alles auswählen

20.03.2003 17:33:18 [MuxWriter] started
20.03.2003 17:33:18 [Muxer] started
20.03.2003 17:33:18 [VideoProcessor] started
20.03.2003 17:33:18 [VideoPesParser] started
20.03.2003 17:33:18 [AudioProcessor0] started
20.03.2003 17:33:18 [AudioPesParser0] started
20.03.2003 17:33:18 [VideoHTTP] started
20.03.2003 17:33:18 [VideoHTTP] HTTP streaming started successfully
20.03.2003 17:33:18 [AudioHTTP0] started
20.03.2003 17:33:18 [VideoProcessor] locked on stream id 224
20.03.2003 17:33:18 [AudioHTTP0] HTTP streaming started successfully

20.03.2003 17:33:20 [AudioProcessor0] locked on stream id 192
20.03.2003 17:33:20 [Muxer] Resync successful
20.03.2003 17:33:20 [Muxer] invalid video sequence: temporal_reference > picture count in sequence [sequence skipped, need resync]
20.03.2003 17:33:20 [Muxer] warning: video dts discontinuity detected [-43200 dts cycles]

20.03.2003 17:33:22 [Muxer] warning: audio (1) pts discontinuity detected [-43200 pts cycles]
20.03.2003 17:33:22 [Muxer] Resync successful

20.03.2003 17:35:39 [Muxer] invalid video sequence: temporal_reference > picture count in sequence [sequence skipped, need resync]
20.03.2003 17:35:39 [Muxer] warning: video dts discontinuity detected [-43200 dts cycles]
20.03.2003 17:35:39 [Muxer] warning: audio (1) pts discontinuity detected [-43200 pts cycles]
20.03.2003 17:35:39 [Muxer] Resync successful

20.03.2003 17:36:00 [Muxer] invalid video sequence: temporal_reference > picture count in sequence [sequence skipped, need resync]

20.03.2003 17:36:01 [Muxer] invalid video sequence: temporal_reference > picture count in sequence [sequence skipped, need resync]
20.03.2003 17:36:01 [Muxer] invalid video sequence: temporal_reference > picture count in sequence [sequence skipped, need resync]
20.03.2003 17:36:01 [Muxer] warning: video dts discontinuity detected [-115200 dts cycles]

20.03.2003 17:36:03 [Muxer] warning: audio (1) pts discontinuity detected [-116640 pts cycles]
20.03.2003 17:36:03 [Muxer] Resync successful
20.03.2003 17:36:03 [Muxer] invalid video sequence: more than 1 picture with same temporal_reference found [sequence skipped, need resync]
20.03.2003 17:36:03 [Muxer] warning: video dts discontinuity detected [-50400 dts cycles]
20.03.2003 17:36:03 [Muxer] warning: audio (1) pts discontinuity detected [-49680 pts cycles]
20.03.2003 17:36:03 [Muxer] Resync successful

20.03.2003 17:38:29 [Muxer] invalid video sequence: more than 1 picture with same temporal_reference found [sequence skipped, need resync]
20.03.2003 17:38:29 [Muxer] warning: video dts discontinuity detected [-684000 dts cycles]

20.03.2003 17:38:31 [Muxer] warning: audio (1) pts discontinuity detected [-682560 pts cycles]
20.03.2003 17:38:31 [Muxer] Resync successful
20.03.2003 17:38:31 [Muxer] muxer panic: audio (0) frame skipped AFTER writting sequence. something must be wrong with the validation code. please inform Elmi on #dbox2. created stream will be invalid. [muxer terminated]
20.03.2003 17:38:31 [Muxer] terminated
20.03.2003 17:38:31 [AudioProcessor0] terminated

20.03.2003 17:38:31 [MuxWriter] terminated
20.03.2003 17:38:31 [VideoProcessor] terminated
20.03.2003 17:38:31 [VideoPesParser] terminated
20.03.2003 17:38:32 [VideoHTTP] terminated

20.03.2003 17:38:33 [AudioPesParser0] terminated

20.03.2003 17:38:36 [AudioHTTP0] terminated