The network is started after probing the IDE interface. Probing takes a long time if the HDD is powered off. So the ethernet is not responding for a long time and in this period I was trying to telnet into the box
Everything works fine now. Thx to all who contributed to the IDE2 interface. Wonderful accessory!
After putting the dbox back in the bedroom I found out that the no network problem is actually caused by the HDD power supply. My dbox is connected to a Netgear XE104 powerline ethernet switch. As soon as I connect the HDD power supply to the same powerstrip where the Netgear is plugged in, the powerline ethernet connection breaks down. The solution was to plug the HDD power supply in another wallsocket. Ah well ...
Zuletzt geändert von JOCKYW2001 am Freitag 16. März 2007, 12:31, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.
Apparently the HDD power supply pollutes my electricity network so heavily that my powerline LAN breaks down. Are there filters for sale in e.g. Conrad?
I'm also using powerline LAN similar problems!
Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't find each other...I'm thinking of replacing them by these ultrathin fiber cables (=real network)