Wenn ich den recorder Starte kommt immer diese fehlermeldung.
muß man bei der firewall (linux S.U.S.E.) noch was freigeben?
Code: Alles auswählen
Server:/usr/local/bin # ./recorder -c /etc/recorder-1.conf
= DBox2 Recorder v1.0.3-beta by gmo18t =
= Copyright (c) Gerhard Monzel * 02/12/04 =
startup - trying to contact (dbox:80) ...
QServerSocket: failed to bind or listen to the socket
... failed to bind to port (4000)
Server:/usr/local/bin #
Code: Alles auswählen
#-- recorder configuration --
#LogLevel = 2
LogFile = /var/log/recorder.log
DBoxHost = # string: hostname of DBox
ServerPort = 4000 # int: port to listen for dbox record commands
ClientPort = 80 # int: dbox nhttpd Port
GrabCmd = dboxgrab $FMT -h $HOST -p $PORT -o $OFILE -s $SIZE -v $VPID -a $APID
GrabPort = 31339 # int: port of dbox from where to grab
GrabFormat = 0 # int: 0=TS, 1=PS, 2=PES (not yet supported)
GrabDir = /daten/kinofilme/dbox2 # string: destination directory to store files
SplitSize = 0 # int: split outputfile every <n> MB, 0 = no split
StartupCheck = 1 # int: 0=no check, 1=get time, 2=get channel-list and time
#DoPrepare = true # bool: preparing record command before grab starts
#UseSubDirs = true # bool: using of "channelname"-subdirs in GrabDir
#PlaybackCtrl = true # bool: using of start/stop playback
SyncClock = 1 # int: 0=none, 1=only on startup, 2=before every record
PrepareDelay = 1000 # time: millisecs, before prepare will start (1000).
preDelay = 1000 # time: millisecs, delay between rec-mode on and grab-start
#postDelay = 0 # time, millisecs, delay between grab-stop and rec-mode off