bootmenu in cvs

Alles rund um das grafische Benutzerinterface Enigma
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: Montag 8. November 2004, 23:48

bootmenu in cvs

Beitrag von mirakels »

Hi (digi_casi),

I noticed quite some activity in enigma cvs for the bootmenu.
I looked around a bit but did not find any info about how this is supposed function/work and how the interface looks like.

Within the Pli team I played a bit with rcS and dreamflash to start dreamflash bootmenu as soon as possible, avoiding all kind of rcS code that will run again when the actual imgae is started.

So I am interesed in how the this new bootmenu code works. Is more info or links available?


-mirakels [/u]

Beitrag von digi_casi »

the bootmenu is based on dreamflash by mechatron and works pretty much the same way.
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: Montag 8. November 2004, 23:48

Beitrag von mirakels »

digi_casi hat geschrieben:the bootmenu is based on dreamflash by mechatron and works pretty much the same way.
I more or less got that from the cvs comemnts :)

So the dreamflash plugin just becomes part of enigma, and the bootmenu program is still started from /var/etc/init?

I was hoping it would become sort of a grub boot menu so we could get rid of chroot setup...

Beitrag von digi_casi »

no still chroot... works fine, doesn't it?
the plugin is just for installing the image... it is not part of enigma... just the bootmenu.