Bartholomay hat geschrieben:
meine Linkstation blinkt nun 5 mal nach dem Einschalten
Stimmt EM-Mode sollte man probieren...muss am Besten wie petgun schrieb mit leerer
Platte getestet werden:
aus dem Kuro-Forum:
Whilst the Kuro is powered on in normal mode (must be running, whether accessable or not) press the power button for a few seconds (to power DOWN) whilst holding in the red button at the back. The Kuro will flash the diag light briefly then start to power down (power button flashes for a bit). Release both buttons. It will then reboot in EM mode.
This process is doing something similar to the echo "NGNG" >> /dev/fl3 I guess.
This seems to work every time on the HG at least. It will get a DHCP address or the default address. Telnet to get access. Ftp to get basic commands on the box to fix stuff (see gentoo beta1 install doc - useful for getting useable shell and mounting filesystems etc.)
ID/Password will now be root/kuroadmin on HG (root/kuro otherwise I think)
uns als Info auf der LED-Info von ... scriptions
5 times blink Problem with the flash memory*
* = Sometimes, you can recover from a flash memory error by pulling out power cord and try again after one night.
Ich drueck die Daumen!