habe mich auch an die neue Version rangewagt, die alte Version habe ich lange erfolgreich (Suse 9.0 auf anderen Rechner)benutzt. Nach leichten Installationsproblemen (jetzt Suse 9.2), speziell mit den Perl-Packeten für XMLTV, läuft die udrec soweit. Kämpfe zur Zeit aber mit zwei Problemen.
1. die .ts Datei wird nach beendeten Stream nicht automatisch nach der .mpg Datei erstellt obwohl Häckchen gesetzt ist, Größe für die .mpg ist entsprechend aber die .ts ist 0 MB und liegt nicht im Ordner. Eine Nacherzeugung von Hand ist erfolgreich. Es wird nach einer Datei .tc_mpg Datei im mpg-Ordner gesucht die garnicht erstellt wurde??!!
Hiermal ein log der ud_suite
Code: Alles auswählen
Choosing /usr/share/udrec_suite/movies/tmp/041203_000354_01_00.mp2 as audiotrack
Creating /video/dbox/mpg/DISCOVERY_CHANNEL_Spionage_fatal_000354_041203.tc_mpg: /usr/bin/ud_mux.pl -o=/video/dbox/mpg/DISCOVERY_CHANNEL_Spionage_fatal_000354_041203.tc_mpg -v=/usr/share/udrec_suite/movies/tmp/041203_000354_01_00.mpv -a="/usr/share/udrec_suite/movies/tmp/041203_000354_01_00.mp2" -tcmplex
INFO: using reference profile (MPEG2)
INFO: profile type is (PAL)
INFO: Scanning video stream for a sequence header and pulldown type ...
INFO: no pulldown detected ...
INFO: Scanning video stream for pictures ...
ERROR: Unable to create temporary video units file ./tmp_v5XOdjJ.
Creating /video/dbox/ts/DISCOVERY_CHANNEL_Spionage_fatal_000354_041203.ts: /usr/bin/ud_mpg2ts.pl -o=/video/dbox/ts -i=/video/dbox/mpg/DISCOVERY_CHANNEL_Spionage_fatal_000354_041203.tc_mpg --java=/usr/bin/java --jar=/usr/lib/jar/pX.jar --ini=/usr/lib/jar/pX_ts.ini
found Xvfb running on display :1
Warning: Cannot convert string "-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans-*-140-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct
ProjectX TEST PROJECT ONLY , User: papa
quick CL usage: (Note: CL also loads the GUI components, without displaying)
without options ...to start the GUI
[options] <sourcefile 1>...[<sourcefile x>]
options: -dvx1..4, -c <x>, -o <x>, -n <x>, -l, -p <x>, -i <x>, -g
-c [path]inifile ...use that specified iniFile instead of the standard
-dvx1 ...create a .d2v ProjectFile on demux
-dvx2 ...create a .d2v ProjectFile + .ac3.wav (RIFF WAVE Header)
-dvx3 ...create a .d2v ProjectFile + .mpa.wav (RIFF WAVE Header)
-dvx4 ...create a .d2v ProjectFile + .ac3.wav + mpa.wav (RIFF WAVE Header)
-o <path> ...use that specified directory for output
-n <filename> ...use that specified filename for output
-p <file> ...use that text based file as cutpoint list
-i <tokens> ...use only these (P)IDs, separated by comma ","
-g ...display the GUI using all given CLI options
-l ...write the normal logfile
use -dvx OR -c & -o/-n/-l/-p/-i/-g or no options (for std)
java.version 1.4.2_05
java.vendor Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.home /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2-sun-
java.vm.version 1.4.2_05-b04
java.vm.vendor Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.vm.name Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
java.class.vers 48.0
java.class.path /usr/lib/jar/pX.jar
(1) this is a free Java based demux utility.
(2) It is intended for educational purposes only, as a non-commercial test project.
(3) It may not be used otherwise. Most parts are only experimental.
(4) released under the terms of the GNU GPL
(5) there is NO WARRANTY of any kind attached to this software
(6) use it at your own risk and for your own education as it was meant
use config file /usr/lib/jar/pX_ts.ini ...
ProjectX (04.09.2004)
=== session infos ===
=> working with collection 0
-> write output files to :
=> File 0: /video/dbox/mpg/DISCOVERY_CHANNEL_Spionage_fatal_000354_041203.tc_mpg (-1)
? File not found !
summary of created media files:
=> 0 bytes written...
Removing /video/dbox/mpg/DISCOVERY_CHANNEL_Spionage_fatal_000354_041203.tc_mpg
# ud_suite.pl finished #
kann hier die Datenrate zu hoch gewesen sein?
Code: Alles auswählen
22:15:13 listening to any host on port 4000
22:38:49 to DBox: VIDEO 31341 16 0 1 vaaa 06e 078 07d 079
22:38:49 from DBox: INFO: IP c0a80169 Port 31341
22:38:49 from DBox: PID vaaa 4 6e 78 7d 79
22:38:49 to DBox: START
Forking /usr/bin/ud_daemon.pl ...
22:38:49 from DBox: INFO: UdpSender() - PID30269 R0 W0
22:38:49 from DBox: INFO: DmxReader() - Pid 6e 204960 0 0
22:38:49 from DBox: INFO: DmxReader() - Pid 78 29280 0 0
22:38:50 from DBox: INFO: DmxReader() - Pid 79 29280 0 0
22:38:50 from DBox: INFO: DmxReader() - Pid 7d 29280 0 0
22:39:00 found video stream (e0)
22:39:00 found mp2 stream (c0)
22:39:00 found ac3 stream (bd)
22:39:00 found mp2 stream (c1)
22:39:04 24:31:45.55: video resync
22:40:57 from DBox: ERROR: main() - SPkt buffer overflow
22:41:15 from DBox: ERROR: main() - SPkt buffer overflow
22:41:15 stream out of data
22:41:16 from DBox: ERROR: main() - SPkt buffer overflow
22:41:16 packet lost 4999 4840
22:41:16 20 packets lost
22:41:16 24:33:48.11: corrupt audio frame(s)
22:41:17 packet lost 51531 48600
22:41:17 236 packets lost
22:41:17 packet lost 51539 49052
22:41:17 228 packets lost
22:41:17 packet lost 51543 49504
22:41:17 432 packets lost
22:41:17 packet lost 51543 50152
22:41:17 236 packets lost
22:41:17 packet lost 51556 50604
22:41:17 216 packets lost
22:41:17 packet lost 51561 51076
22:41:17 444 packets lost
22:41:17 stream out of data
22:41:17 ESSync stopped - stream errors found
/usr/share/udrec_suite/movies/tmp/041202_223849_01_00.mpv /usr/share/udrec_suite/movies/tmp/041202_223849_01_00.mp2 /usr/share/udrec_suite/movies/tmp/041202_223849_01_00.ac3 /usr/share/udrec_suite/movies/tmp/041202_223849_01_01.mp2
22:41:17 from DBox: ERROR: main() - SPkt buffer overflow
23:07:08 from DBox: ERROR: main() - SPkt buffer overflow
23:07:10 from DBox: ERROR: main() - SPkt buffer overflow
23:07:11 from DBox: ERROR: main() - SPkt buffer overflow
23:13:12 to DBox: STOP
23:13:12 network statistics:
max: 9,0 Mbit/s total data rate
average: 5,2 Mbit/s total data rate
average: 0,000 Mbit/s resend data rate
count: 0 resend packets
average: 1 resend packet per 887787,0 total packets
max: 0 packets per resend
average: 0,0 packets per resend
23:13:12 TcpSender stopped
23:13:13 UdpReceiver stopped
23:13:13 from DBox: EXIT
23:13:13 TcpReceiver stopped
23:13:17 DBoxRecordControl stopped
Parsing xml-file /usr/share/udrec_suite/movies/tmp/
read error at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i586-linux-thread-multi/XML/Parser/Expat.pm line 469.
Parsing xml-file /usr/share/udrec_suite/movies/tmp/041202_223849.xml
not well-formed (invalid token) at line 14, column 26, byte 761 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i586-linux-thread-multi/XML/Parser.pm line 187
Code: Alles auswählen
Starting "/usr/bin/mono /usr/bin/udrec.exe -es -sso -xmlf -vsplit -mplex -o /usr/share/udrec_suite/movies/tmp/"
23:48:18 listening to any host on port 4000
achso, im übrigen macht meine 9.2 Probleme mit der udrec_suite im cvs, die Makefiles lassen sich mit ein autoreconf -i nicht erstellen, aber das ist erst mal für mich nicht wichtig, gehört auch nicht hier rein
kann mir jemand helfen, bin mit Linux noch nicht so fit, danke schon mal an die Experten