Nokia 2*amd

Alles eine Frage des Images
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Sonntag 8. August 2004, 00:08

Nokia 2*amd

Beitrag von Mausman »

First sorry, i can read german but not write it :roll:

Does anyone know where i can find a image for a dbox2 nokia with 2 amd flash chips?
The intel versions dont work with service search.

Plzzzzzzz someone help me to find a working image.

Oberlamer, Administrator & Supernanny
Beiträge: 10532
Registriert: Samstag 13. Juli 2002, 10:49

Beitrag von DieMade »

There are no different Images for Intel and AMD.
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who know binary and those who don't