Quick Compile Problem.

Kreuzuebersetzer, Diskussion über Änderungen im Tuxbox-CDK und Tuxbox-CVS
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Registriert: Mittwoch 25. Februar 2004, 06:46

Quick Compile Problem.

Beitrag von FrankRizzo »

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/chris/tuxbox-cvs/cdk'
make[1]: `.glibc' is up to date.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/chris/tuxbox-cvs/cdk'
( rm -rf gcc-3.3.3 || /bin/true ) && bunzip2 -cd Archive/gcc-core-3.3.3.tar.bz2 | TAPE=- tar -x && bunzip2 -cd Archive/gcc-g++-3.3.3.tar.bz2 | TAPE=- tar -x && ( rm -rf build_gcc || /bin/true ) && mkdir build_gcc
/usr/bin/install -c -d /home/chris/dbox2/cdk/powerpc-tuxbox-linux-gnu/sys-include
cp -p /home/chris/dbox2/cdk/powerpc-tuxbox-linux-gnu/include/limits.h /home/chris/dbox2/cdk/powerpc-tuxbox-linux-gnu/sys-include/
cp: cannot stat `/home/chris/dbox2/cdk/powerpc-tuxbox-linux-gnu/include/limits.h': No such file or directory
make: *** [.gcc] Error 1

I have deleted all the gcc tarballs, and redownloaded them, but it still fails.
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: Dienstag 24. Februar 2004, 11:43

Quick Compile Problem

Beitrag von bf244a »

Hello Frank,
I faced the same problem this morning trying to build the SDK, and I had to copy the limits.h file from an old tree. Then the build continued.

However, later, I faced another build break with the gcc-3.3.3 that I just appended few minutes ago on the forum, and I hope that it is not a major problem, and we can get a fix for it, to be able to continue with the build.
Beiträge: 358
Registriert: Montag 21. Juli 2003, 23:52

Beitrag von JOCKYW2001 »

Yes, tons of problems :(

For example modutils and libsdl can not find the proper limits.h
The proper limits.h is located in .../dbox2/cdk/powerpc-tuxbox-linux-gnu/include/linux/limits.h But that's not where Makefile looks for it.
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Registriert: Donnerstag 24. April 2003, 12:12

Beitrag von Npq »

Actually there should be a symbolic link
which should point to

ATM I do not know where this link is created but I guess that's the problem.
Beiträge: 358
Registriert: Montag 21. Juli 2003, 23:52

Beitrag von JOCKYW2001 »

Npq hat geschrieben:Actually there should be a symbolic link
which should point to

ATM I do not know where this link is created but I guess that's the problem.
Yes, pretty sure that exists. But then the compiler will still include the wrong limits.h from that dir and not find references to e.g. PATH_MAX. The limits.h where PATH_MAX is defined is in $prefix/cdk/powerpc-tuxbox-linux-gnu/include/linux
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: Mittwoch 25. Februar 2004, 06:46

I took bff's suggestion.

Beitrag von FrankRizzo »

And copied the limit.h to a place where it could be found. It then went on for most of today, only to crash out tonight with a missing signal.h in GCC.

Guess I'll try to find his thread about that, and see if anyone has a resolution.

As an aside, are there ever tags cut for this repository? Can I checkout the last tagged version, and have something that compiles completely? (Kinda hard to tinker with the code when it won't compile!)
Senior Member
Beiträge: 1339
Registriert: Donnerstag 24. April 2003, 12:12

Beitrag von Npq »

Hmm, indeed I had a similar problem when trying to compile the SDL recently after I upgraded to gcc 3.3.3. Made a note to follow this further but didn't get to it now.

I'd like to find out what went wrong there. I believe it's related to the new gcc 3.3.3 and the way it relates to the older glibc-library.

But I'm not too sure.
Senior Member
Beiträge: 1339
Registriert: Donnerstag 24. April 2003, 12:12

Beitrag von Npq »

Ok, with some help from friendly people who had gcc 3.3.3 running I found out that the first limits.h that was included from cdk/lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-tuxbox-linux-gnu/3.3.3/include had been incomplete, an #include_next was missing at the end so it never looked at the limits.h in cdk/powerpc-tuxbox-linux-gnu/include.

In the meantime after originally only building gcc 3.3.3, I rebuilt the glibc with it and finally also rebuilt gcc as well and seems that did the trick.

I don't know why the limits.h wasn't found the first time but maybe trying the same procedure might cure this for you, too.
Beiträge: 358
Registriert: Montag 21. Juli 2003, 23:52

Beitrag von JOCKYW2001 »

Npq hat geschrieben:In the meantime after originally only building gcc 3.3.3, I rebuilt the glibc with it and finally also rebuilt gcc as well and seems that did the trick.

I don't know why the limits.h wasn't found the first time but maybe trying the same procedure might cure this for you, too.
Your solution also applies after upgrading to gcc 3.3.4 :D

Thx once more!
